Monday, January 18, 2010

Deep Freeze In Florida Destroys Fresh Bean Supply - Lowest Temperature in 21 Years!

Due to the extremely low temperatures in Southern Florida, fresh bean supply has come to a stand still. Matt and Steve's Tasty Beverage Company has experienced awesome growth because of our loyal customers and regret the slow down. We are working hard to get back into production and replenish supply to our retails and distributors. In the meantime you might find some suppliers and retailers temporarily out of stock. We hope to resume full production shortly. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your continued support.

Matt and Steve

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for keeping your loyal customers posted! When I read this I ran out and stocked my pantry
    with jars and jars of EXTREME BEAN....yummm!!!! The withdrawls would of been too great to bear!

    Thanks again!

    A very loyal customer
